Why? When we read some basic outline or explanation of the characteristics of our sign, although there is a part where we feel identified, there are other parts that we do not recognize ourselves in and feel that we are very different in the way we react to certain situations. Which leads us to doubt the veracity of astrology and we rule out the possibility of informing ourselves more about the subject. To answer this question we must delve a little deeper into the knowledge of what astrology has to offer us. That goes beyond the marketine questions that the media demands, reducing astrology to a book of predictions or some pseudo-astrologer that eventually appears on some TV show saying that is what is going to happen to the famous in turn about the one who is consulted. That’s clearly not astrology as science. Now to start giving an answer the initial question of why ? when we read the characteristics of our sign we do not feel completely identified?. The first thing we need to know is that; the totality and individuality of each person can be seen from the Natal Chart, which is specific to each person. Within our birth chart, there is much more information than we know about. Without delving into all the complexity that each Natal Chart has, if we can to have an answer to the initial question, when we know that: the three most relevant factors in a Natal Chart are, the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant. Therefore these three factors; are a good place to start analyzing those differences we encounter regarding an overview of the Solar Sign. Owning this information brings us closer to having a more specific profile of ourselves or others that are of interest to us. Differentiating function and signify from the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. If we take a group of people we could surely find that some may have been born under the same Solar Sign, Lunar or ascendant, and that surely, they can behave in a similar way, although the motivation is different. For example, a person with the Ascendant in Taurus, a person with the Moon in Taurus and a person who is of the Taurus sign, all strive to have money (if we take as an example a primary characteristic of the sign) or at best they will put effort , by connecting with your ability to generate half materials, but the reasons are different. The Moon in Taurus strives for economic success in order to make the world an emotionally safe place (the tendency to make material a way of expressing its emotions). The Ascendant in Taurus must fight for material success, because he tends to be chosen to fulfill the role of the family provider, who will make a repair of the shortages or lack of money in the family. For the Sun in Taurus, generating money is a requirement for your self-esteem and what naturally arises since it is a part of its essence and that is unconditioned by external situations that motivate it. This way is when we can see that there is clearly a point in common, but that the motivations from where it connects are very different.While the above example was taking the same sign in different people as a common ground, what we can generally find in a person is that Sea of Aries, has the Moon in Pisces and the Ascendant in Aquarius; three different characteristics living in the same person; that as part of our evolutionary process we have to integrate consciously.To expand a little more on these three points (Sun, Moon and Ascendant) it is necessary to explain them one by one to see how later integrate them.

The Sun: Represents the deep self, the true self, the basic identity. The will, the purposes in life. The position in which the Sun is located in our birth chart indicates the area of life in which the individual must work to excel and develop a stronger and healthier YO. Planets that form aspects with the Sun in the natal chart will influence the development of a person’s individuality. Understanding these aspects will allow us to more consciously develop our potential and make our development process flow more naturally. A good phrase summarizing what Sun represents is that «life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.»It may seem that knowing yourself is a very simple task and that we have it completely overcome. However, having an in-depth knowledge of who we are is a very complex task that lasts a lifetime, as we are constantly changing. Being conscious means becoming aware of the present moment. It means being conscious without judgment, without reflection or thinking. We’re the observers. Why is it important to live consciously? Because it helps us observe ourselves without judging ourselves and showing who we really are. Living consent is the best tool to improve our self-esteem and have a greater state of internal harmonyWhile the above example was taking the same sign in different people as a common ground, what we can generally find in a person is that Sea of Aries, has the Moon in Pisces and the Ascendant in Aquarius; three different characteristics living in the same person; that as part of our evolutionary process we have to integrate consciously.To expand a little more on these three points (Sun, Moon and Ascendant) it is necessary to explain them one by one to see how later integrate them.

The Moon: Represents our mother or mother substitutes. The Moon represents a part of us that begins to develop in childhood, in our mother’s arms, long before we have any verbal ability. At that age, we do not understand who we are (the Sun) or how we fit into the family/society (the Ascendant); we only know how we feel: hunger, heat, cold, anger, fear etc. The moon is our sense of containment and security, or lack thereof. For all this it is very important to know in what sign we have our Moon in order to be more aware of our emotional need and how compatible it is with our sign (Sun), here is a first answer to the initial question of why we do not feel totally identified with the general reviews. If there are characteristics of our Lunar sign, with which we are overidentified it is where we feel that we react differently to who we are in essence. For example if I am from Aries sign that it is naturally leading and more aggressive and I have the moon in Pisces that is more sensitive and peaceful, is where we can clearly see a point that is in conflict.To give another example, a child with a Moon-Saturn or Moon aspect in Capricorn often has a mother with one or more of the following characteristics: older, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed by responsibilities, strongly career-oriented Professional. If the mother is with chronic depression, the child establishes it as part of the bond with the mother, and depression can become the emotional pattern in a child’s life into adulthood. If the mother constantly fears for financial security and difficult experiences, the child may come to see the world as insecure and act accordingly. Therefore for a person with this Moon, it is essential, to work on their self-esteem and to find recognition by authority figures and especially female figures.It is difficult to summarize in a paragraph or two all that the Moon represents but one way to approach it is the relationship that The Moon has in Natal Chart with Emotional Intelligence. The importance of Emotional Intelligence is about knowing how to control emotions for our own well-being. That is why the Moon in our birth chart is where the information we need to know is, to develop such Emotional Intelligence, which is the plus that will really allow us to live a life with greater confidence and security. Many people are deceived into thinking that high IQs, those determined by tests, or success in business give us the label of «self-sure», and with that alone they already believe that it is enough to feel fulfilled. That’s a false perception of things. We can have on the moon in any of the other 11 signs and even in the same sign. Our Lunar sign, gives us emotional tools, is what does not give the strength to face and transcend, any kind of difficulty. For all this it is essential to know in what sign we have the Moon, that of our mother, partner and above all that of our children; especially in the case that you are a mother since your child’s moon is how he perceives you and where you have a fundamental role in his development.It may seem that knowing yourself is a very simple task and that we have it completely overcome. However, having an in-depth knowledge of who we are is a very complex task that lasts a lifetime, as we are constantly changing. Being conscious means becoming aware of the present moment. It means being conscious without judgment, without reflection or thinking. We’re the observers. Why is it important to live consciously? Because it helps us observe ourselves without judging ourselves and showing who we really are. Living consent is the best tool to improve our self-esteem and have a greater state of internal harmonyWhile the above example was taking the same sign in different people as a common ground, what we can generally find in a person is that Sea of Aries, has the Moon in Pisces and the Ascendant in Aquarius; three different characteristics living in the same person; that as part of our evolutionary process we have to integrate consciously.To expand a little more on these three points (Sun, Moon and Ascendant) it is necessary to explain them one by one to see how later integrate them.

The Ascendant: It shows us the way we interact with the world, it is what happens to us, what we name destiny. The sign of the Ascendant speaks of a quality that is our own, but that we do not always recognize and will learn it through the experiences we go through in life. Recognizing and incorporating the purpose of the Ascendant will be fundamental to the expression and development of a fuller life. Imagine life as a great scenario where the ascendant attracts situations or people related to that energy; so we can face them and recognize them as their own. The less we are connected to our ascendant, those scenes will seem stranger to us, presented in an imposed way or from the conflict. These situations or people are the ones that make us mirror to be able to see this part that we do not recognize as our own. Knowing what your ascendant is will allow you to get out of those situations to consciously give a channel of expression to those energies and integrate them into your life.If we take as an example a person with the Moon in Cancer and the ascendant in Pisces (two compatible signs). The Moon in Cancer often has a strong tendency to dependence on the family, creates symbiotic environments and settles into the role of the child. If we add to this Pisces as Ascendant, which adds a sense of empathy and great sensitivity that leads the person to overflow easily, and to evade reality, for compensation, it usually attracts people who solve things (especially the signs of tier a: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) to take responsibilities that the person cannot. In this case, however much the Lunar sign and the Ascendant are compatible, we see how it necessarily has to be done a more contential job of how to integrate these two energies constructively. When the Ascendant and the Sun (sign of the person) are in disharmony, there is a point of conflict between the image that we project (and that we must integrate) and what we really are in essence that leads the person to feel that he is an inconstraining and underestimated. To a person of Leo who are naturally histrionic and spontaneous, who longs to shine, will clearly have a difficulty to do so with a structured and bleak ascendant in Capricorn, where part of what he has to solve is the search for recognition in the father figure, so that for that spontaneous and center energy that of course Leo has, is expressed. It will lead him to have to break with family and social mandates in order to recognize himself. In this way to be able to resolve the point of conflict and generate the integration of that Sun in Leo and Ascending in Capricorn.I hope that with the examples I developed throughout the note, I will give you an idea of why, in a general review, it is practically impossible that it could go down all the complexity that each person has.As a final idea I would like to say that when we usually talk about achieving a balanced life it is said that we should worry about our body, mind and spirit, but these concepts because they are so general do not give us a certain answer about that or as we have to work, at this point is where astrology as a tool of personal development and its more than 3,000 years of history offers us a personalized and concrete approach to what and how to work to find a life in greater harmony.

And you? I’m sure you know what sign you are of, but… do you know what sign is your moon and what sign your Ascendant?
